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* Some pictures may show a description if you place your curson on it.

Bedrooms: 2, Bathrooms: 2

Location: Surfside Estates, Playa Potrero


Price for long term: Main House: $1800/mo plus utilities

Guest House: $1100/mo plus utilities

You can also rent both homes to maintain privacy on the property and negotiate on the rental price.

Features: Air Conditioning, Fans, Smart TV, Wireless Internet, all appliances, BBQ, parking.


This property has 2 homes on it. The main home is a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom and the 2nd guest house is a 2 bedroom/1 bathroom. The homes are both modern, clean lined and simple and very comfortable.

There is a full exercise bench and weight system at the main house to keep up on your exercise routine if you enjoy weight resistance training.

The sun rise is amazing to see from this property as it comes over the nearby mountains and shows off the frequent visits of cows on the farmland behind the property.


There is not a pool on this property but the owners maintain a membership at the local Beach Club and restaurant where its an easy walk for renters to use the beautiful pool and enjoy a large variety of water sports. Also, it is amazing to experience Hemingway’s restaurant while watching sunset at the beach. It’s easy to become a daily routine of bliss.


* Some pictures may show a description if you place your curson on it.

Bedrooms: 2, Bathrooms: 2 

Location: Surfside Estates, Playa Potrero

Rates:  $1100/mo plus utilities

You can also rent both homes to maintain privacy on the property and negotiate on the rental price.

Features: AC, fridge, freezer, mini stove, ceiling fans, Wireless Internet.

Rented dates appear with a red dot.

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